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Nursing Care Plan for Bronchiectasis

Nursing Care Plan for Bronchiectasis

Nursing Care Plan for Bronchiectasis Bronchiectasis Bronchiectasis is destruction and widening of the large airways. If the condition is present at birth, it is called congenital bronchiectasis. If it develops later in life, it is called acquired...

Bronchiectasis often is caused by an infection or other condition that injures the walls of the airways or prevents the airways from clearing mucus. Mucus is a slimy substance. It helps remove inhaled dust, bacteria, and other small particles from the airways.

  • Coughing (worse when lying down)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Abnormal chest sounds
  • Daily production of large amounts of coughed up mucus
  • Chest pain
  • Clubbing (flesh under your fingernails and toenails becomes thicker)

Nursing Diagnosis for Bronchiectasis
1. Ineffective airway clearance related to increased production of secretions , retention of secretions , viscous secretions .
2. GImbalanced Nutrition : less than body requirements related to dyspnea , sputum production , nausea / vomiting .
3. Risk for infection related to the chronic disease , malnutrition .
4. Activity intolerance related to imbalance of oxygen supply and requirement
5. Knowledge Deficit related to lack of information / do not know the source of information .
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