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Nursing Care Plan for Bronchopneumonia

Definition - Bronchopneumonia

Bronchopneumonia was the pneumonia that on one or more lung lobes are characterized by patches of infiltrates (Whalley and Wong, 1996).

Bronchopneumina is the frequency of pulmonary complications, a long productive cough, signs and symptoms are usually the temperature increases, increased pulse, respiration increases (Suzanne G. Bare, 1993).

Etiology - Bronchopneumonia

Bacteria: Diplococus Pneumonia, Pneumococcus, Stretococcus Hemoliticus aureus, Haemophilus Influenza, Basil Friendlander (Klebsial pneumonia), Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Viruses: Respiratory syntical virus, influenza virus, the virus sitomegalik.

Fungi: Citoplasma capsulatum, Criptococcus Nepromas, Blastomices

Dermatides, Cocedirides Immitis, Aspergillus Sp, Candinda Albicans,

Mycoplasma pneumonia. Foreign body aspiration.

Another factor affecting the incidence Bronchopnemonia is decreased endurance for example due to protein energy malnutrition (MEP), chronic disease, antibiotic treatment is not perfect.

Clinical Manifestations - Bronchopneumonia

Usually preceded by upper respiratory tract infection. This disease usually arises suddenly, the temperature increased 39-40o C accompanied by chills, shortness of breath and rapid, coughing non productive "breath sounds" when percussion dim lung examination, breath sounds during auscultation ronchi smooth wet and loud.

Cough that may be severe until there is respiratory insufficiency begins with upper tract infection, patients with dry cough, headache, muscle pain, anorexia and difficulty swallowing.

Nursing Assessment Nursing Care Plan for Bronchopneumonia

Physical Examination

1) Fever, Tachypnoea, cyanosis, respiratory nostril
2) Auscultation of lung wet ronchi
3) Laboratory of leukocytosis, increased or normal ESR
4) abnormal chest Rontgent (spotting, statements that were scattered in both lungs)

Health History

1) A history of previous respiratory tract infection: cough, runny nose, fever.
2) anorexia, difficulty swallowing, nausea and vomiting.
3) history of immunity-related diseases such as malnutrition.
4) Other family members who suffered respiratory illness
5) productive cough, breathing nostrils, rapid and shallow breathing, restlessness, cyanosis.

Nursing Diagnosis Nursing Care Plan for Bronchopneumonia

1) Ineffective airway clearance related to the buildup of secretions.
2) Impaired gas exchange related to changes in alveolar capillaries.
3) Increased body temperature related to the infection process
4) Lack of parental knowledge about client care related to lack of information.

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