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Nursing Care Plan for Hypertension

Hypertension Nursing Assessment

Assessment is the main basis of the nursing process. Assessment is the first step in one of the nursing process (Gaffar, 1999). Activities undertaken in the assessment is gathering data and formulating priority issues. In the assessment - a careful collection of data about clients, their families, the data obtained through interviews, observation and examination. The data collected can be divided into two (Kelliat, Budi Ana., 1995) : Data base Specific data relating to the current...

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Hypertension Nursing Care PlanHypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure is a cardiac chronic medical condition in which the systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated. It is the opposite of hypotension. Hypertension is classified as either primary (essential) hypertension or secondary hypertension; About 90–95% of cases are termed "primary hypertension", which refers to ........


Nursing Diagnosis for Hypertension with Interventions

  1. Fatigue related to effects of hypertension and stresses of daily life
  2. Imbalanced nutrition: More than body requirements related to excessive food intake
  3. Ineffective health maintenance related to inability to modify lifestyle
  4. Deficient knowledge related to effects of prescribed treatment

Nursing Assessment for Hypertension

Nursing History

  • Previous episodes of high Blood Pressure
  • Family history of high Blood Pressure
  • Target organ disease or other disease processes that may place the patient in a high-risk group diabetes, CAD, kidney disease
  • Dietary habits and salt intake
  • Episodes of headache, weakness, muscle cramp, tingling, palpitations, sweating, vision disturbances........

Nursing Care Plan for Hypertension : Assessment, Diagnosis and Interventions


The definition of hypertension, many raised by health experts. WHO suggests that hypertension occurs when blood pressure above 160/95 mmHg, meanwhile, Smelttzer & Bare (2002:896) suggests that hypertension is a persistent blood pressure or continuous thus exceeding the normal limit in which the systolic pressure above 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure above 90 mmHg.

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