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Nursing Diagnosis based on the NANDA-I 2009-2011

Nursing Diagnosis based on the NANDA-I 2009-2011

NANDA-I 2007-2008, contains 188 nursing diagnoses, including 26 of the revised diagnosis (eg, disturbances in sleep patterns - insomnia) and 15 new dianosis (risk of instability of blood sugar). Taxonomy still use taxonomy II.

Most recent 2009-2011 NANDA-I, contains an additional 21 new nursing diagnoses (*), 9th revision diagnosis and some diagnoses that are not used anymore. Total nursing diagnoses to date is 205 diagnoses. Usually the NANDA-I will be revised every two years, but this time the NANDA-I published a list of diagnoses for a period of three years.

Nursing Diagnosis based on the NANDA-I 2009-2011

No 1 - 10

1. Activity intolerance
2. Risk for Activity intolerance
3. Ineffective Activity planning
4. Ineffective Airway clearance
5. Latex Allergy response
6. Risk for latex Allergy response
7. Anxiety
8. Death Anxiety
9. Risk for Aspiration
10. Risk for impaired parent/infant/child Attachment

NANDA-I Nursing Diagnosis 2009-2011 ( 2 )

NANDA-I Nursing Diagnosis 2009-2011 ( 3 )

NANDA-I Nursing Diagnosis 2009-2011 ( 4 )

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