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Natural Remedies and Diet Tips for Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti, that usually occur in the tropics. It is caused by 4 related virus serotypes of flavivirus. Backbone fever is another name for dengue fever because it can extremely cause pain. Mosquitoes usually bite at dawn and dusk but can also bite anytime especially in dark areas, indoors and during cloudy and rainy weather.

For Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), this is a severe case of dengue, will show higher body temperature and there can be bleeding of nose, ears, moth and blood may also ooze from the skin pores. It can also cause vascular leak syndrome in which fluids in the blood vessel leaks through the skin and goes into spaces around the belly and lungs. Blood pressure will fall due to fluid loss and can lead to Dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Dengue can affect other body organs that may lead to liver dysfunction, gastroenteritis, renal impairment and meningo-encephalitis.

Since dengue is caused by virus, there is no specific antibiotic to treat it. The treatments concern is to give patients relief from its symptoms. To prevent dehydration, supplementation of intravenous fluid and oral hydration therapy is recommended. It is critical to monitor vital signs too. Platelet transfusion may also arise depending on the severity of the disease. Rest is also required for patients to recover and regain strength for faster recover.

Diet Tips

When you suffer from dengue you must keep a diet. It is recommended to eat baked toasts, porridge, biscuits with tea. Drink herbal teas with cardamom, tusli, or use other herbs that are known that can reduce fever.

Natural Remedies

Most of the time normal dengue is not very dangerous. The treatment established depending on symptoms must be resorted to i.e., and in cases of high temperature patients can use wet pads. Depending on necessity doctors can administrate antidotes.

Because the pain killers might increase the hemorrhage they must not be administrated to the patient. More on, the doctor must control the water balance of the patient's body and he must periodically control the patient's blood pressure.

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