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4 Nursing Diagnosis for Migraine

Migraine is a chronic disorder characterized by the occurrence of mild to severe headaches that are often associated with symptoms of autonomic nervous system.

The sign of headache unilateral (only on the upper half of the head), throbbing, and lasts for 2 to 72 hours. The symptoms are also accompanied, among others, nausea, vomiting, photophobia (more sensitive to light), phonophobia (increasingly sensitive to noise) and more intense pain when doing physical activity. Around-third of migraine sufferers experience: a kind of visual disturbance, sensory, speech, or motion / motor which is a sign that the headache will soon appear.

Migraine is believed to occur as a result of a combination of various genetic and environmental factors. Approximately two-thirds of cases occur in people who are married. Hormone levels rise and fall can also affect: migraine slightly more common in young men than in young women before puberty, but in adults, approximately two to three times more common in women than men. The tendency of migraine is usually reduced during pregnancy. The exact mechanism of migraine is unknown. However, there is a belief that these diseases are caused by neurovascular disorders. The main theory underlying is an association with increased keterangsangan cerebral cortex and the control of abnormal cells in the nerve pain of trigeminal nucleus of the brainstem.


The main cause of migraine is unknown however, the disease is believed to be related to a combination of environmental and genetic factors. This disease occurs in people who have a family as much as two-thirds of all cases and is rarely caused by a single gene defect. A number of psychological conditions that have relevance include: depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder as well as a variety of biological events or triggers.

Signs and symptoms

Migraines usually appear along with severe headaches and recurring to make a person can not perform normal activity, which is associated with autonomic symptoms. Approximately 15-30% of patients experiencing migraine with aura and migraine patients who experience migraine with aura also often experience migraine without aura. Levels of pain, duration of the headache, and frequency of attacks varies. Migraine that lasted for more than 72 hours are called migrainosus status. There are four phases that may occur before the appearance of migraine:

Prodromal, occur several hours or days before the headache attack.
Aura, which appeared just before the headache attacks.
Phase pain, also called the headache phase.
Postdromal, effects experienced after a migraine attack ends.

Nursing Diagnosis for Migraine

1. Acute pain related to stress and tension, increased intracranial.
characterized by: said pain, pale around the face, restless.

2. Imbalance nutrition less than body requirements related to inability to input, digest, absorb, because the food factor biology, psychology.
characterized by: nausea, vomiting, weight loss, anorexia.

3. Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to headache.
characterized by: insomnia, pale, limp.

4. Knowledge Deficit related to lack of exposure information.
characterized by: the improper behavior and excessive.
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