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Sleep Disorders and Care Plan

Rest and sleep is a basic need that is needed by everyone. To be able to function normally, then everyone needs adequate rest and sleep. At rest and sleep, the body's recovery process to restore the stamina to be in optimal condition.

Each individual has a need for rest and sleep are different. Patterns of rest and sleep well and regularly gives good effects on health. But in a state hospital, a person's sleep patterns are usually disrupted, so the nurse should seek to help meet client needs rest and sleep. The need for rest and sleep in a diseased individual is needed to accelerate the healing process. Therefore, the nurse must have good competencies related to needs rest and sleep.

1. Insomnia

Insomnia is the inability to get enough sleep both in quality and quantity. Someone who wakes up from sleep, but have not had enough sleep can be called experience insomnia.

There are three types of insomnia include :
  • Initial insomnia : inability of a person to be able to start sleeping.
  • Intermittent Insomnia : inability to maintain the state of sleep or frequent waking sleep.
  • Terminal insomnia : waking up early and can not sleep anymore.
There are several factors that can cause a person to experience insomnia include pain, anxiety, fear, mental stress, and support the conditions for sleep.

Nurses can help clients overcome insomnia through health education, creating a comfortable environment, the client relaxation training, and other measures. There are several actions or efforts that can be done to overcome insomnia are:
  • Eating high protein foods before bed, such as cheese or milk.
  • Try to always go to bed at the same time.
  • Avoid sleeping in the afternoon or evening time.
  • Trying to sleep only when feel really sleepy and not at the time of full consciousness.
  • Avoid activities that generate interest before bed.
  • Do bodybuilding exercises every day, but not before bed.
  • Use release techniques and meditation muscles before trying to sleep.

2. Somnambulism

Somnambulism is a behavioral disorder that is very complex includes the existence of an automatic, and semi-purposeful motor action, such as opening the door, shut the door, sat on the bed, crashing into a chair, walking, and talking. Somnambulism is more common in children than adults . Someone who had somnabulism at risk of injury.
Efforts should be made to anticipate somnabulisme namely by guiding the child. Other efforts that can be done to overcome somnabulism is to create a comfortable and safe environment, and may also include the use of drugs.

3. Enuresis

Enuresis is involuntary urination (wetting). Occurs in children and adolescents, the most common among men. The cause is certainly not clear, but there are several factors that can cause such enuresis on bladder disorders, stress, and a rigid toilet training. Efforts should be made to prevent enuresis among other things : avoid stress, avoid drinking a lot before bed, and empty the bladder (urinary first) before bed.

4. Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a condition characterized by an uncontrollable desire to sleep. It can be said also of narcolepsy is sudden attack sleepy so he can fall asleep at any time where the attack sleep (drowsiness) is coming.
The cause of narcolepsy is not exactly clear, but is thought to result from genetic damage to the central nervous system in which REM periods can not be controlled. Narcoleptic attacks can pose a hazard in the event at the time of driving the vehicle, the workers who worked on the tools swirling, or is on the brink.

5. Night terrors

Night terrors are a nightmare. Generally occurs in children aged 6 years or more. After a few hours, the child instantly awake and screaming, pale and frightened.

6. Snoring

Snoring is caused by a barrier to air flow in the nose and mouth. Swollen tonsils and adenoids may be a factor contributing to snoring. Base of the tongue that clog the airways in the elderly. The muscles in the back of the mouth slack and vibrate when air is passed breathing.
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