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Mental Health

Mental Health

In 1991 the Australian Health Ministers (AHM) conference provided a definition of mental health that will serve as a starting point for discussion. This definition asserts that mental health is the capacity of individuals within the groups and environment to interact with one another in ways that promote subjective well- being, optimal development and use of mental abilities (cognitive, affective, and relational) and achievement of individual and cognitive goal consistent with justice.

Mental health is defined according to commonly held values. The definitions referred to above indicate that individuals are regarded as enjoying positive mental health when the behavior they demonstrate is adaptive, and enables them to fulfil satisfactorily their culturally accepted daily activities, including communicating their needs clearly and without impediment. If, for some reason, events bring about a deviation from this ideal, and personal discomfort and distressing thoughts and behaviors interfere with everyday living, people are considered to have a mental health problem.

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