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Acute Pain related to Hemorrhoids

Acute Pain related to Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are essentially formed when the nerves around the rectal area, which are typical there to control the passing of the stool, encounters heavy or continuous pressure. This results in the nerves being pressed causing them to swell and are painful to the touch.

Hemorrhoid surgery is recommended to people who have a severe case of hemorrhoids. It's the removal of swollen veins around the anus. For most people, this in not an inpatient procedure where you need to be admitting to the hospital. Unless you have prolapsed or problematic hemorrhoids.

Surgery is a painful-and sometimes traumatic-experience in a person's life. Nobody can escape the after effects of excruciating pain and soreness after having spent hours in the operating room.

Patients with hemorrhoids are often confronted with the possibility of a surgery and what to do after hemorrhoid surgery. The amount of time needed to recover from a surgery depends on the type of surgical procedure done to the patient. A major surgery may require a longer recovery period compared to a minor one. A hemorrhoid surgery, however, is classified under minor surgery and doesn't require the patient to spend a night at the hospital.

Acute Pain related to Hemorrhoids

Nursing Care Plan for Hemorrhoids

Nursing Diagnosis: Acute Pain related to a postoperative wound

1) the patient's face was calm
2) normal vital signs
3) The patient said the pain is reduced or lost
4) The patient can rest, sleep


1. Give the patient a pleasant sleeping position.
Rational: to lower the voltage abdomen

2. Change the bandage every morning according to aseptic techniques.
Rationale: to protect patients from cross contamination during the dressing change. Acted as a wet dressing of external contamination and cause discomfort.

3. Exercise road as early as possible.
Rational: to reduce the problems that occur due to immobilization.

4. Observations of the rectal area if there is bleeding
Rational: bleeding on the network, local inflammation or infection can increase the pain.

5. Provide an explanation of the purpose of installation of flue-anus (anus to funnel to drain the remnants of the bleeding that occurs in order to get out).
Rational: knowledge about the benefits of the chimney to make the patient understand the anus to funnel anus to cure the wound.

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