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Chronic and Acute Gastritis - 3 Nursing Interventions and Rationale

Nursing Interventions and Rationale for Chronic and Acute Gastritis

1. Acute Pain related to irritation of the gastric mucosa

Short-term goal: Patients report reduced pain.
Long-term goal: No irritation persists.

Action Plan.
Advise for the first 6 hours of fasting.
Give soft foods little by little and give a warm drink.
Identification and limit foods that cause discomfort.
Observations pain, note the location, duration, intensity, (scale 0-10), as well as changes in the characteristics of pain.

Reducing inflammation in the gastric mucosa.
Gastric dilatation can occur when feeding too quickly after a period of fasting.
Can cause distress to the various individuals / dyspepsia.
Changes in pain characteristics may indicate the spread of diseases / complications.

2. Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements related to anorexia.

Short-term goal: Entered adequate nutrition.
Long-term goal: Maintain weight keep it balanced.

Action Plan
Create programs daily nutritional needs and the minimum weight standards.
Give mouth care before and after meals.
Physical activity monitor and record the activity level.
Avoid foods that cause gas.
Provide food with good ventilation, pleasant surroundings, with the situation in a hurry.

As a reference in the fulfillment of the patient's nutritional needs.
Provide comfort to the mouth and can reduce nausea.
Assist in maintaining muscle tone and weight as well as to control the rate of burning calories.
Can affect appetite / digestion and nutrient input limit.
Mennyenangkan environment can reduce stress and more conducive to eating.

3. Anxiety related to change in health status

Short-term goal: Patients can discuss the problems it faces.
Long-term goal: Patients can solve the problem by using an effective source.

Action Plan
Observation of physiological responses, eg tachypnea, palpitations, dizziness.
Note the behavior of instructions, eg: restlessness, irritability.
Assess the fear and anxiety statements, provide feedback responses.
Provide a quiet environment to rest.
Give relaxation techniques, eg breathing exercises guidance dalamdan imagination.
Help the patient to identify and positive coping.

May be an indication of the degree of anxiety experienced by the patient.
Indicator of the degree of anxiety.
Make therafiutik relationships, helping the patient to accept the feelings and decrease unnecessary anxiety about ignorance.
Moving patients from outside stressors and increase relaxation, can also improve coping skills.
Way of relaxation can help reduce fear and anxiety.
Successful behavior can strengthen the patient in accepting anxiety, improve patients' sense of self-control and give confidence.
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