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NCP - Nursing Assessment for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Nursing Care Plan for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Assessment is the first step and the basis for a nurse to perform a systematic approach to collecting and analyzing the data, so as to know the needs of the client. Accurate data collection and systematic will help determine the health status and patterns of defense clients and facilitate the formulation of nursing diagnoses. (Doenges : 2000).

Stage assessment is as follows :
a. Data collection, which collects information about the strengths and weaknesses of the client by interview, observation, and physical examination by family, significant others, community, and medical records.

b. The identity of the client and the family , consisting of :
Client name, age, date of birth, gender, religion.
Father's name, age, religion, occupation, education, address.
Mother's name, age, religion, occupation, education, address.
Date of children admitted to hospital, medical diagnosis, and all sources of information obtained.

c. The main complaint, which is the reason most prominent in patients with DHF to come to the hospital.

d. Medical history
1) History of present illness
This incidence of sudden heat complaints are accompanied by chills composmentis consciousness. The decrease of heat occurs between days 3 and 7 and the situation of children getting weaker. Sometimes accompanied by complaints of cough and cold, pain swallowing, nausea, diarrhea / constipation, headache, muscle pain, and the presence of bleeding manifestations in the skin.
2) History of the disease ever suffered.
What diseases ever suffered by the client, what ever suffered repeated attacks of DHF.
3) Physical examination , consisting of :
Inspection is a thorough observation of the client's health status (inspection of lesions on the skin).
Percussion is a physical examination, to determine whether or not a normal organs. Palpation is a type of physical examination by palpating the client.
Auscultation is by listening using a stethoscope (auscultation of the abdominal wall determines the bowel).

e . Immunization history
If the child has a good immunity, it is likely to be the onset of complications can be avoided.

f. History of nutrition
Nutritional status of children suffering from DHF can vary. All children with good and bad nutritional status may be at risk, if there is a predisposing factor. Children with DHF often experience nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite. If this condition persists and is not accompanied by adequate nutrition, children can lose weight so their nutritional status becomes less.

g . Patterns
1) Nutrition and metabolism : frequency, type, abstinence, decreased appetite.
2) Elimination (bowel movements). Sometimes children have diarrhea / constipation. While the DHF grade III -IV could happen melena.
3) Elimination : urine is necessary to study whether frequent urination, a little / lot, pain / no. In DHF grade IV frequent hematuria.
4) Sleep and rest. Children often experience lack of sleep due to pain / sore muscles and joints so that the quantity and quality of sleep and rest less.
5) Cleanliness. Family efforts to maintain personal hygiene and the environment tend to be less, especially to clean mosquito breeding places.
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