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Anxiety Nursing Diagnosis, Causes and Symptoms

Anxiety is one form of individual emotions associated with the feeling threatened by something, usually with the threat of such objects is not so clear. Anxiety with the threat of a reasonable intensity values ​​can be considered to have a positive value as a motivation, but if the intensity is so strong and negative it will cause harm and can interfere with physical and psychological state of the individual concerned.

Anxiety can be experienced by anyone, anywhere and anytime depending on the trigger of anxiety. Facts prove that the coating around the world the most common anxiety every harinya.hal is due to the more concrete problems that occur at this time.

The most common symptoms of anxiety disorders are exaggerated and illogical fear about various events, even if we talk about less or more significant ones. A patient affected by this mental illness permanently feels scared and constantly worries about any decision he has to take. He has serious difficulties if he tries to relax and to think positive, he cannot concentrate or rest and he frequently accuses headaches, nausea, shortness or difficulties in breathing and hot flashes.

Social fears are also signs of anxiety disorders. The sufferer has, most of the times, a social phobia, which means he is frightened to talk in front of smaller or bigger groups, he feels permanently watched and judged. During anxiety crisis, most of the patients accuse sweating, shaking, blushing, trembling, dizziness or muscle aches.

Anxiety Nursing Diagnosis Nanda

NOC Outcomes (Nursing Outcomes Classification)
Suggested NOC Labels

* Anxiety Control
* Coping

NIC Interventions (Nursing Interventions Classification)
Suggested NIC Labels

* Anxiety Reduction
* Presence
* Calming Technique
* Emotional Support

* Defining Characteristics: Physiological:
o Increase in blood pressure, pulse, and respirations
o Dizziness, light-headedness
o Perspiration
o Frequent urination
o Flushing
o Dyspnea
o Palpitations
o Dry mouth
o Headaches
o Nausea and/or diarrhea
o Restlessness
o Pacing
o Pupil dilation
o Insomnia, nightmares
o Trembling
o Feelings of helplessness and discomfort
* Behavioral:
o Expressions of helplessness
o Feelings of inadequacy
o Crying
o Difficulty concentrating
o Rumination
o Inability to problem-solve
o Preoccupation

* Related Factors: Threat or perceived threat to physical and emotional integrity
* Changes in role function
* Intrusive diagnostic and surgical tests and procedures
* Changes in environment and routines
* Threat or perceived threat to self-concept
* Threat to (or change in) socioeconomic status
* Situational and maturational crises
* Interpersonal conflicts

* Expected Outcomes Patient is able to recognize signs of anxiety.
* Patient demonstrates positive coping mechanisms.
* Patient may describe a reduction in the level of anxiety experienced.

Anxiety Nursing Diagnosis Nanda

Nursing Care Plan for Anxiety

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