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5 Things Should Not be Done During Pregnancy

Pregnancy does not need to be inhibited. Even so, there are things that should not be done during pregnancy.

Maintain the condition of the fetus and themselves during pregnancy needs to be done carefully. Especially if relatively high-risk pregnancy, such as having a history of hypertension, preeclampsia, asthma, or cardiac abnormalities.

1. Traveling by plane in a long time

Among international flights usually apply the rule to not allow women with pregnancies above 32 weeks, to get on a plane with distance. For example, Jakarta to New York that the trip takes up to 22 hours.

"In this flight, the passenger position, right, just sit down and this will increase the risk of bleeding, ruptured membranes, contractions, and so forth," said Dwipoyono." Moreover, changes in pressure in the plane can also participate stimulate contractions, until the likely speed up labor."

Long-haul flights are also not recommended when a young pregnant mothers who are experiencing problems of morning sickness. Too long an aircraft will aggravate the condition. Unless the flight only took 1-2 hours, from Jakarta to Surabaya or Jakarta to Bali, for example.

2. Lifting a Heavy Burden

Pregnant women also should avoid lifting heavy weights, including children carrying or transporting a bucket of water. This activity can trigger uterine contractions due to the pressure of the abdominal muscles. If there is persistent in the long term it is not likely to result in miscarriage or premature birth. Even so, lift the goods within normal limits does not matter. Unfortunately, can not be determined how many pounds the safe limit for each person. Inevitably the mother should be able to judge for yourself, whether the lifting will overload his stomach or not.

3. Smoking

The nicotine content in cigarettes can stimulate contraction disorders. Heaps of nicotine in the blood can block blood flow from mother to fetus through the umbilical cord. That way, the ability of the required distribution of food substances will also be affected fetus. Not to mention the carbon dioxide contained in cigarette smoke will bind to hemoglobin in the blood. As a result, the work of hemoglobin to bind oxygen and distribute it throughout the body, will be hampered.

Thus, smoking increases the risk of babies born with low weight, below 2500 grams. Especially those who smoked more than 20 cigarettes a day. The risk of miscarriage and premature birth also increased 2-4 fold compared to female non-smokers. Not to mention the risk of bleeding is also increased.

During pregnancy, avoid cigarette smoke, because when pregnant women to secondhand smoke he can channel that negative effects to the fetus. Severity similar to those experienced by smokers true. So, try to stay away from polluted places.

4. Coffee and Tea

Coffee and tea contain caffeine which has the effect of stimulating the nerves and stimulate the heart and muscles. When consumed in excess can stimulate nerve activity, which in turn will burden the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. Even so, normal consumption of 2-3 cups a day, generally not to affect the fetus because the percentage is very small. Nevertheless, several hours after drinking, generally immediately released by the body with the urine, so do not accumulate in the body.

However, when consumed in excess with high viscosity levels, the fetus can be affected by the disorder of epilepsy. This risk of course must be taken into account. The results of a study showed that caffeine contained in coffee associated with the process of discharge of excessive and uneven from the brain cells of oxygen-deficient mammalian infants. Well, you can imagine a similar incident would occur if too much caffeine entry into the body of a pregnant woman and then penetrates the fetal brain.

5. Alcohol

Through the umbilical cord, alcohol consumed by pregnant mothers can affect the fetus. Babies born to women drinkers have a higher risk of developing mental disorders and brain development. That is why, it is highly recommended to avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. Even the addiction was, better to stop this bad habit before deciding to become pregnant. Who drink alcohol before pregnancy had no effect at all on the fetus due to be expelled from the body a day later.

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