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Nursing Care Plan for Risk for Infection related to Cellulitis

Cellulitis is an infection spread of bacteria into the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The infection can spread quickly and can get into the lymph vessels and blood flow. If this is the case, the infection can spread throughout the body.

Cellulitis is an infection of the deeper layers of the skin. With the following characteristics :
  • Suppurative inflammation reached the subcutaneous tissue.
  • Regarding the surface of lymphatic vessels.
  • Erythematous plaques, no clear boundaries and quickly expanded.

Nursing Care Plan for Cellulitis

Nursing Diagnosis : Risk for infection related to the presence of skin lesions.

Goal : The client shows no infection after nursing care.

Expected outcomes :
  • There are no signs of infection (calor, rubor, tumor, dolor).
  • Vital signs within normal limits : Blood pressure : 120/80 mmHg, pulse : 87 times / min, Temperature : 36-37'5 ° C, respiration : 18-20 x / minute.
  • Leukocytes within normal limits.

1. Observe for signs of infection.
Rational : Seeing the development of therapies that have been given.

2. Observation of vital signs.
Rational : shows the circulation of the body.

3. Treat the wound the client with the principles of aseptic.
Rational : reducing the risk of cross contamination.

4. Encourage the client to always maintain personal hygiene.
Rational : reducing the risk of infection.

5. Instruct the client to not suppress the injured area.
Rational : depressed wound will cause reduced blood flow to the wound so that the wound gets worse.

6. Teach the patient and family to know the signs and symptoms of infection.
Rationale: to prevent things that could threaten the infection.
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