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Nursing Care Plan for Osteosarcoma

Sarcoma is a tumor derived from connective tissue. (Danielle. 1999: 244).

Cancer is the uncontrolled neoplasm of anaplastic cells that invade tissue and tends to metastasize to the far side of the body. (Wong. 2003: 595).

  • Radiation radioactive high doses.
  • Heredity.
  • Some pre-existing conditions such as bone Paget's disease (due to radiation exposure).
  • Oncogenic viruses (Smeltzer. 2001: 2347).
Clinical manifestations
  • Pain and swelling of the affected limb or (usually become more severe at night and increased in accordance with the progression of the disease).
  • Swelling, Swelling at or above the bones or joints and limited movement (Gale. 1999: 245).
  • Limitation of motion.
  • Pathologic fracture.
  • The reduced weight.
  • Palpable mass; and settled with soft skin temperature rises above the masses and distended veins and venous dilation.
  • The symptoms of metastatic disease include chest pain, cough, fever, weight loss and malaise (Smeltzer. 2001: 2347).


1. Identification of patients
Name, age, gender, education, occupation, marital status, address, and others.

2. Health history
The patient complained of pain in the affected bone area.
The client says hard to activity / limitation of motion.
The client expressed anxiety will be the situation.

3. Physical Assessment
On palpation palpable mass on the affected area.
Soft tissue swelling caused by a tumor.
Neurovascular status assessments; tenderness.
Limitations of range of motion.

4. Results of laboratory / radiology
There is a picture of the damage to bone and new bone formation.
A picture of a sun ray spicules, or threads of bone from the bone cortex.
Increased levels of alkaline phosphatase.

Nursing Diagnosisfor for Osteosarcoma
  1. Acute pain
  2. Impaired Physical Mobility
  3. Impaired Skin Integrity
  4. Risk for infection
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