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Dementia - 7 Nursing Diagnosis

Nursing Care Plan for Dementia

Dementia is a syndrome characterized by a variety of cognitive impairment without disturbance of consciousness. Impaired cognitive function among others in intelligence, learning and memory, language, problem solving, orientation, perception, attention and concentration, adjustment, and social skills. (Arif Mansjoer, 1999)

Dementia - 7 Nursing Diagnosis

1. Relocation Stress Syndrome related to changes in the activities of daily life
characterized by: confusion, concern, anxiety, seem anxious, irritable, defensive behavior, mental disorder, suspicious behavior, and aggressive behavior.

2. Altered thought processes related to physiological changes (degeneration of neurons is irreversible)
characterized by: loss of memory, loss of concentration, not able to interpret the stimulation and assess reality accurately.

3. Disturbed sensory perception related to changes in perception, transmission, or sensory integration (neurological disease, is not able to communicate, sleep disorders, pain)
characterized by: anxiety, apathy, anxiety, hallucinations.

4. Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to changes in the environment
characterized by: verbal complaints about difficulty sleeping, constantly awake, not able to determine the needs / bedtime.

5. Self Care Deficit related to activity intolerance, decreased endurance and strength
characterized by: a decrease in the ability to perform daily activities.

6. Risk for injury related to the difficulty of balance, weakness, uncoordinated muscle, seizure activity.

7. Risk for imbalanced Nutrition: more than body requirements related to easy to forget, setbacks hobby, sensory changes.
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