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Nursing Care Plan for Relocation Stress Syndrome related to Dementia

Nursing Care Plan for Dementia

Nursing Diagnosis : Relocation Stress Syndrome

Nursing Care Plan for Relocation Stress Syndrome related to Dementia
Relocation stress syndrome related to changes in the activities of daily life,

characterized by: confusion, concern, anxiety, seem anxious, irritable, defensive behavior, mental disorder, suspicious behavior, and aggressive behavior.

Goal: Having given nursing actions, the client is expected to be able to adapt to changes in their daily activities and the environment,

with outcomes:
  • Identify changes.
  • Able to adapt to environmental changes and activities of daily life.
  • Reduced anxiety and fear.
  • Make a positive statement about the new environment.

  • Do a mutually supportive relationship with the client.
  • Orient the environment and new routines.
  • Assess the level of stressors (adjustment, development, the role of the family, due to changes in health status).
  • Decide on a reasonable schedule of activities and enter into routine activities.
  • Provide explanations and fun information about the activities / events.

Rationale :
  • To build trust and a sense of comfort.
  • Reduce anxiety and feeling disturbed.
  • To determine the client's perception about the incidence and severity of attacks.
  • Consistency reduce confusion and increase the sense of community.
  • Reduce tension, maintain mutual trust, and orientation.
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