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Causes and Management of Splenomegaly

Nursing Care Plan Management of Splenomegaly
Splenomegaly is enlargement of the spleen, these events usually occur as a result of lymphocyte proliferation in the spleen due to an infection elsewhere in the body. How to measure or unit using Schuffner I up to Shuffner VIII by dividing the distance between the three points made ​​in the abdominal wall in 8 parts.

Causes of Splenomegaly

Splenomegaly due to macrophage proliferation occurs if there are dead cells (primarily red blood cells) in the amount of excessive and needs to be cleared from the circulation. Splenomegaly may occur due to accumulation of blood in the spleen, usually a complication of portal hypertension. Splenomegaly in response to infection, both accompanied by lymphadenopathy or not accompanied by lymphadenopathy.

Some of the diseases that lead to splenomegaly, such as infectious diseases such as malaria, typhoid abdomen, bruselois, bacterial endocarditis, splenic abscess, and others. In addition, blood diseases such as hemolytic anemia and leukemia. Also neoplastic diseases such as Hodgkin's disease, lymphosarcoma, malignant tumors, or cysts of the spleen.

Management of Splenomegaly

Actions that can be performed when there is splenomegaly certainly related to the main causes of splenomegaly. However, if the spleen has not resistant to swelling, the removal of the spleen is called a splenectomy, which when it occurs excessively destruction of peripheral blood (hypersplenism), because it would be very dangerous.
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