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Treatment of Appendicitis Surgery (Before And After)

Treatment of Before And After Appendicitis Surgery

The appendix is a cylindrical segment of the larger intestine localized in the right lower part of the abdomen. It has no important role in the human body but gets easily inflamed because of its content in imunitary cells.

Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is attached to the cecum and is considered to be a part of the intestines. It measures no more than a few inches in length and looks like a thin tube. If its exit gets blocked by hardened mucus, food or stool a local infection will occur and as a response to this, an inflammation of it will be produced by the body.

The cause of appendicitis is the obstruction of the appendicle lumen leading to increased pressure, irregular blood circulation and inflammation of the mucous. The blockage must be resolved before it produces gangrene or perforation.

Obstruction is mostly caused by foreign bodies or by a viral or bacterial infection that cause lymph nodes to swell. This is medically called lymphoid hyperplasia. In a small number of persons appendicitis can be post-traumatically after accidents or injuries. Other people have a hereditary susceptibility to appendicle obstruction.

Treatmnet of Before And After Appendicitis Surgery, image from : http://fakta-sesungguhnya.blogspot.com/2011/12/8-alasan-mengapa-orang-takut-di-operasi.html

Appendicitis symptoms like:

1. Pain around the navel then moving to the right ileac fossa
2. Anorexia
3. Nausea and vomiting
4. Constipation or by case diarrhea
5. Stopped intestinal transit
6. Low fever
7. Abdominal swelling.

Not all symptoms must be present to have a positive diagnosis. Pain gets worse while movements, coughing and deep breathing. The ileal area becomes very sensitive, it hurts when it is touched. Patients have so called "tenesmus", meaning the sensation they need to eliminate fecals to diminish pains.

If not treated in time, the inflamed appendix may perforate and cause A severe infection of the abdominal layer known as peritoneum; the patient's status will worsen by high fever and generalized abdominal pain. Although pains in appendicitis usually start and then go away before a continuous pain installs, you should immediately call a doctor if you or your child accuse this kind of aches.

The diagnosing process will be based also on blood analysis searching for signs of infection, rectal and abdominal examination. Abdominal X-ray or echography can also provide information about the obstruction or inflammation in the abdomen.

The classical treatment for a confirmed appendicitis is removing the appendix through an incision in the ileac fossa. As the risk of perforation is present, the surgery must be done as an emergency, right after the proof of a positive diagnosis.

In order to minimize the risk of major infection, antibiotherapy is required before and after surgical intervention. In case of perforation the administration of antibiotics will be intra venous and the time in the hospital might last for a week or two, according to the sever ness.

Patient's handle in the post-operator stage include intra-venous fluids to nourish the body and prevent dehydration, and also pain-releasing medication to improve the comfort during the first days after the operation.

Nursing Care Plan for Appendicitis

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