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The Concept of Growth and Development, Play, Nutrition and Impact of Hospitalization

Growth and Development, Play, Nutrition and the Impact of Hospitalization

1. Growth

Growth is a natural process that occurs in every individual that is gradually, the child will be growing heavier and higher, growth is set as an increase in body size can be measured with a meter or centimeter of height and kilograms or grams for weight.

2. Developments

Sigmund Freud was the development of a child under the age of 21 months.

In the anal phase, the function of the body which give satisfaction around the anus, defecation / urination, happy to do their own, if not done properly will hold and do the trick. Gross motor sensory developments children are able to run, climb stairs alone with both feet each stage. Fine motor capable of opening the door, unlock, cutting, drinking using glass, use a spoon well. Psychosocial development, according to Erikson 1963 autonomy vs. shame and doubt, locomotor and flavors are ripe and there is confidence in the mother and the environment. Cognitive development, according to Jean Piaget sensory phase motors simulated efforts to satisfy the needs and pleasures, needs a lot of physical range of motion more coordinated, focused and purposeful.

3. Nutrition

Oral food sources:
  • Breast milk is a complete food source most favored during the first 6 months, breast milk is the most nutritionally superior, safe from bacteria and cause fewer allergies, breast milk also contains anti-infective factors and immune cells.
  • Formula products, iron-fortified ready to eat is a choice but acceptable ation. Formula intake varies on each baby, but the average intake is 113 grams of six times per day.
  • Average water needs of 120-135 ml / kg / day.
  • Solid food can already be given to meet the nutritional needs.

4. Playing
  • Play is a child task.
  • Play reflects the development and awareness of the environments.
  • Playing mainly independently.

The purpose of play is as follows:
  • Stimulate psychological development.
  • Giving diversion from boredom, pain, and discomfort.
  • Provides tools for communication and expressing feelings.
  • Help develop sensory motor skills.

5. Impact of Hospitalization

Hospitalization is a process that is due to a planned or emergency reasons, require the child to stay in the hospital, therapy and treatment until their return back home. During the process, the child and parents can experience a variety of events, according to some researchers aimed to experience a very traumatic and stressful, the main problem that occurs is due to the impact of separation from parents so that no interference formation of trust and affection. In children over 6 months of stranger anxiety or anxiety, when dealing with a stranger and anxious because of separation. Reactions that often appear at this age children are crying, angry, and a lot of movement as a gesture of stranger anxiety. When her mother abandoned the behavior shown is the loud cry of pain or their response to injury is usually a good cry, a lot of body movements, and facial expressions that are not fun.
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