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Disturbed Sensory Perception : Auditory and Tactile Hallucinations

Nursing Care Plan for Auditory and Tactile Hallucinations

Goal : The client is able to define and test the reality / and get rid of sensory perception errors.

1. Short-term Goal : After the interaction, the client is able to build a trusting relationship.

Expected outcomes :
  • Shows understanding of verbal , written or response signal.
  • Indicates movement relaxed facial expression.
  • Eye contact shows, want to shake hands, to answer greetings, names, would sit side by side or opposite.
Action Plans
  • Develop a relationship of trust with the use of the principles of therapeutic communication :
  • With friendly greet clients both verbal and non -verbal.
  • Introduce the name , nickname and nurses purpose acquainted.
  • Ask the full name of the client and the client's preferred nickname.
  • Create an apparent contract.
  • Show fairness, and occupies an appointment every time interaction.
  • Show empathy and accept what is.
  • Pay attention to clients and consider the needs of the client base.
  • Ask the client's feelings and problems faced by the client.
  • Listen attentively to the expression of the client's feelings.

Nursing Care Plan Impaired Sensory Perception - Auditory and Tactile Hallucinations
2. Short-term Goal : After the interaction, the client is able to recognize auditory and tactile hallucinations.

Expected outcomes :
  • The client is able to state the time, the content, the frequency of the appearance of hallucinations.
  • The client is able to mention the usual behavior when hallucinations appear.
  • The client is able to mention a result of the usual behavior when hallucinations occur.

Action Plans
  • Perform frequent and brief contact gradually.
  • Observation of behavior associated with hallucinations.
  • Help clients recognize hallucination :
  • Ask if the client is experiencing hallucinations.
  • If the client answers yes , ask what is being experienced.
  • Say that nurses believe the client is experiencing this, but the nurses themselves do not experience it.
  • Say that there are other clients who experienced the same thing.
  • Say that the nurse will help.
  • If the client is not hallucinating clarification about their experience hallucinations discussed with the client : the content, timing, frequency of occurrence of hallucinations (morning, noon, afternoon, evening, often or sometimes). The circumstances that cause or not cause hallucinations.

3. Short-term Goal : After the interaction, the client is able to control the auditory and tactile hallucinations.

Expected outcomes :
  • The client can mention a new way to control hallucinations.
  • The client can choose and implement new ways to control hallucinations.
  • The clients implement the preferred way to control hallucinations.

Action Plan :
  • Discuss with the client how or action taken in case of hallucinations (sleep, angry, etc.)
  • Discuss ways in which the client :
  • If the method used adaptive give a compliment.
  • If the method used maladaptive losses discuss the way.

  • Discuss new ways to cut / control the onset of hallucinations.
  • Help clients choose the method that has been encouraged and trained to give it a try.
  • Give a chance to do what is selected and trained.
  • Monitor the implementation of which has been selected and trained, if it managed to give a compliment.
  • Encourage clients to follow the group activity therapy, reality orientation, perception stimulation.

4. Short-term Goal : After the interaction, the client can support the family in control of auditory and tactile hallucinations.

Expected outcomes :
  • Families can build a trusting relationship with the nurse.
  • Families can mention understanding, signs, and actions to address the hallucinations.

Action Plan :
  • Make a contract with the family for the meeting (time, place, and topic).
  • Discuss with family (at the time of meeting family / friendly visits)
  • Definition, signs symptoms, the occurrence, drugs, family members how to prevent hallucinations.
  • Provide information to control a hospital and how to seek help if hallucinations are not solved.

5. Short-term Goal : After the interaction, the client can take advantage of the drug well.

Expected outcomes :
  • The client and family can mention the benefits of dose, drug side effects, and color name and dosage.
  • The client is able to demonstrate the use of drugs correctly.
  • The client and the family understand the effects stop taking the medication without recommendation.

Action Plan :
  • Discuss with clients about the benefits and disadvantages of not taking medication, name, color, dosage, method, therapeutic effects and side effects of drug use.
  • Monitor client when use of the drug.
  • Give credit if the client is using the drug properly.
  • Discuss due to stop taking the medication without consulting a physician.
  • Encourage clients to consult to the doctor / nurse if things happen that are not desirable.
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