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Hepatitis - Assessment, 3 Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions

Nursing Care Plan for Hepatitis

Assessment for Hepatitis

1. Main Complaint: Usually the patient with hepatitis come with a complaint such as:
  • Suddenly no appetite.
  • Fever (more often in HVA).
  • Rheumatic aches and headaches at HVB.
  • Malaise.
2. Health Assessment
  • Activity, include: weakness, fatigue, malaise.
  • Circulation, include: bradycardia (severe hyperbilirubinemia), scleral jaundice of the skin, mucous membranes.
  • Elimination, including: dark urine, diarrhea, stool looks like the color of clay.
  • Food and fluid, include: anorexia, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, increased edema, ascites.
  • Neuro Sensory include: sensitive to stimuli, tend to sleep, lethargy, asterixis.
  • Pain / Leisure, include: abdominal cramps, right upper quadrant tenderness, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, itching (pruritus).
  • Sexuality, include: lifestyle / behavior increases the risk of exposure.

Nursing Diagnosis for Hepatitis :
  1. Imbalanced Nutrition Less than Body Requirements related to input failure to meet the metabolic needs: anorexia, nausea / vomiting and impaired absorption and digestion of food metabolism: decreased peristalsis (visceral reflex), bile restrained.
  2. Pain (acute / chronic) related to swelling of the liver is inflamed liver and portal vein dam.
  3. Ineffective breathing pattern related to intra-abdominal fluid collection, ascites decline in lung expansion and accumulation of secretions.

Nursing Interventions for Hepatitis

1. Imbalanced Nutrition Less than Body Requirements
Expected outcomes:
  • The patient will show behavioral changes in lifestyle to improve / maintain appropriate weight.
  • The patient will show weight gain goals with laboratory values and free signs of malnutrition.

  • Assess dietary intake / calories. Give eat a little in frequency often and offer the greatest breakfast.
  • Provide oral care before meals.
  • Encourage eating in an upright sitting position.
  • Encourage inclusion of orange juice, beverage carbonate and heavy sweets all day.
  • Consult a dietitian, nutrition support team to provide appropriate dietary needs of patients, with the input of fat and protein as tolerated.
  • Assess the level of blood glucose.
  • Medical collaboration.

2. Pain (acute / chronic)
Expected outcomes:
  • Showed signs of physical pain and pain behavior in (not winced in pain, crying intensity and location)

  • Collaboration with the individual to determine which method can be used for pain intensity.
  • Show on the client acceptance of the client's response to pain.
  • Acknowledge their pain.
  • Listen attentively to the client expression of pain.
  • Provide accurate information and explain the cause of the pain, how long the pain will end, if known.
  • Discuss with your doctor the use of analgesics that do not contain hepatotoxic effects.

3. Ineffective breathing pattern
Expected outcomes:
  • Adequate breathing pattern.
  • Assess frequency, depth and respiratory effort.
  • Auscultation of breath sounds extra.
  • Give semi-Fowler's position.
  • Give a deep breath and coughing exercises effective.
  • Give oxygen as needed.
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